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Elmer Uses It
Before Lori and Victoria purchased the store, they and some friends were brainstorming for slogans. All the slogans were tossed away due to wording. Then Victoria said "Honestly, I use my dad, Elmer, for my testimonials since he uses quite a few products." Victoria's husband, Justin Cooper, said, "Okay, here's your slogan: 'Elmer uses it!' " So we went with it! Today, all the products that Elmer uses has a sticker of his caricature on it!
Elmer is 58 years old. He married Lori in 1999. He has had health problems over the past few years and has been using natural products all the while. However, his health declined severely in September of 2014. Elmer changed his diet and supplements drastically. Today Elmer is doing and feeling much better!